Britney Spears’s children were safely with Kevin Federline when the pop singer was taken to the hospital Thursday morning for the second time for a psychological evaluation, a source says.
Federline, 29, was not directly involved in these latest events, “but he was aware of what was happening,” says a Federline friend.
“Kevin legitimately wants Britney to get better. He wants her to be in their sons’ lives. He wants them to have a loving relationship. He wants her to get healthy so she can be the mother they need and deserve,” says a Federline friend.
This is the second trip to a hospital this month for Spears. On Jan. 4, she was forced into the hospital following a tense custody standoff involving sons Preston, 2, and Jayden, 1. A court commissioner has since stripped Spears of visitation privileges.
Another source says that getting medical help again for Spears, 26, “has been planned for a long time. Her family is behind this.”
Former E.R. star Julianna Margulies and her lawyer husband Keith Lieberthal welcomed a baby boy, according to the couple’s family.
“Obviously I’m utterly delighted to be a grandfather,” said Keith’s father, Dr. Kenneth Lieberthal, when reached. “I have to say, he is cuter than any other baby I’ve seen.”
Margulies’s mother, Francesca, was coy when asked about her daughter’s new son, saying, “I better not open my mouth. I don’t want to get in trouble with my daughter.”
However, on her outgoing voicemail message, amid background violin music, Francesca announces, “A beautiful baby boy has been born to us. All is well. His name is Kieran Lindsay Lieberthal. Is that poetry? Do a little dance. Love this day! All is well. God bless! Can’t wait to hear from you.”
Margulies, 41, and Lieberthal, 35, were married in November in Lennox, Mass. She had said earlier she was “doing great” with her pregnancy. This is the couple’s first child.
Thanks to Britney Spears this piece of gossip was buried underneath reports of laxative and motorcades. I smell conspiracy. Apparently Paris Hilton was spotted making out with Elisha Cuthbert at Tenjune in New York. Us Magazine reports:
Hilton was there for a birthday party and was seen dancing on banquets. "It's Paris," says the source. "She loves putting on a show."
First off, two girls kissing! Woo-hoo! Okay, now that the formalities are out of the way, I’m a little disappointed there’re no pictures of these two making out. Not counting the ones in my mind. Except I swapped Paris with Hayden Panettiere and, also, the two aren’t making out in a nightclub as much as a Jacuzzi full of applesauce. So basically I'm imaging they're on a second date. Or, in my case, a first date. Watch out!
And now’s the part of the day where I try and post something, anything, non-Britney Spears related. Here’s Matthew McConaughey with his ridiculously hot, but pregnant, girlfriend Camila Alves at the premiere of his new movie Fool’s Gold. Also in attendance is the surprisingly alive Malcolm-Jamal Warner. Take it away, Malcolm: “Bill Cosby hit me a with pudding pop.” Yeah, he did.
While no one is surprised that Britney Spears made another trip to the psych ward, what is surprising is that the LAPD and FAA already had previously arranged plans to facilitate Britney's magical journey to cuckoo town. Ever since her last meltdown, plans were laid to expedite an inevitable return to the hospital. (You're welcome, California taxpayers!) Britney's lack of sleep was the trigger for today's excursion, according to People:
"No one thought this would happen this soon, but it was clear if she stayed up for more than three days she'd have to get sent, since that could cause real damage. The last time she slept was Saturday."
Adds the source: "The motorcade and everything was planned, it was already in the works to have them block off the road and airspace. It worked out perfectly."
If I was a pilot flying overhead and found out I had to clear the airspace for Britney Spears, the shit would hit the fan, my friend. I'd get on the intercom and inform the passengers that this is their captain speaking and we're about to make an unscheduled landing into Britney Spears pool. And by landing I mean crash. After a thunderous round of applause, I'd guzzle the rest of my Big Gulp full of whiskey (Thank you, stewardess) then lock the plane into a nosedive. I don't want to say I'm a hero, but Batman better have an extra set of balls in his utility belt to pull off moves like these.
UPDATE: Video of the motorcade after the jump. And yeah, it's every bit as ridiculous as it sounds.
ENGLEWOOD, Colo., Jan. 31, 2008 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- DISH Network Corporation (Nasdaq:DISH) issued the following statement regarding recent developments in the Tivo Inc. v. EchoStar Communications Corp. lawsuit:
This just in from my redoubtable colleague Mark Feeney:
Tomorrow night at 7, Arthur Penn will be appearing at the Harvard Film Archive, 24 Quincy Street, Cambridge. His appearance kicks off a four-day retrospective of the director?s work. Friday?s showing will be a double feature: ?The Chase? (1966) and ?The Tears of My Sister? (1953). Tickets are $10. ?The Chase? is a real mess (Penn didn?t have final cut), but it has an impressive cast -- Marlon Brando, Jane Fonda, Robert Redford, Robert Duvall -- and Brando?s performance is worth the price of admission. (It also bears out Penn?s reputation as one of the great actor?s directors.) ?Tears? is a video of a Horton Foote drama that was broadcast live. Penn?s roots were in ?50s television, so this is an extremely rare opportunity to see his beginnings.
In ?The Chase,? you can begin to see flickerings of the New Hollywood: an engagement with politics, a much darker vision of America, a franker dealing with sexuality. A year later, in ?Bonnie and Clyde,? it?s right there on the screen: a movie set in the ?30s that?s a blueprint for the ?70s.
Now 85, Penn has a very significant place in the history of American film. He?s its missing link: the bridge between Elia Kazan, who did so much to popularize Method acting and bring a new seriousness and naturalness to Hollywood in the ?50s, and the Young Turks (Coppola, Scorsese, and the rest) who would create Hollywood?s Silver Age, in the ?70s. Unlike Kazan, Penn didn?t start out in New York theater (or belong to the Communist Party). Unlike the new generation, he didn?t go to film school. He neither came from a group nor belonged to one. Instead, he went his own way, helping make that way -- emotionally daring, politically iconoclastic, artistically searching -- the way of a generation.
Penn, whom Andrew Sarris once called ?the American Truffaut,? was a one-man New Wave, and an argument can be made that for a few years in the late ?60s -- with ?Bonnie and Clyde,? ?Alice?s Restaurant? (1969,? and ?Little Big Man? (1970) -- Penn was almost singlehandedly setting the agenda for serious American film. Everything was up for grabs, and he was showing what and how to grab for it.
Two weeks ago, I had the great pleasure of speaking with him at his New York apartment. The conversation covered a lot of ground (who knew Arthur Penn once held cue cards for Martin and Lewis -- and how hard a job it was, since it?s tough holding up a cue card if you?re convulsed with laughter). So not everything made it into my Movies profile last Sunday. Here are a few outtakes.
On his moviegoing background:
?I was never a cinephile [growing up]. I didn?t go to the movies much. There were very few directors I could identify. Of course Welles, and of course Howard Hawks.
?For me, the most alive film I ever experienced was the Italian neorealism [of the late ?40s]. I was there as a student. Bing! These films were coming out, and seeing them with Italians, in Italy, was fantastic! It was more than film! It was film, prograganda, and expression of victory. Boy, that was really something.?
One of the most famous (and influential) sequences in film history is the gunning down of the title characters at the end of ?Bonnie and Clyde.? Penn discussed his decision to use slow motion.
?Kinetics: Cinema is so complementary to kinetics. To use the very device of the storytelling as an element, that?s what pleased me most about ?Bonnie and Clyde.? I was very hesitant about doing the film because, at the end, they?re at the automobile, the bushes explode, and they?re dead. I thought, ?Gee, if that?s where we are, we?ve just got a gangster film.? It troubled me until one morning I woke up and I could see it. I thought, ?That?s what I?ve got to do, I?ve got to begin to use the medium of film as part of the narrative.? It sure did work -- way beyond my expectation. I knew it would be startling, but I didn?t know it would be as upsetting as it proved to be.?
When I pointed out that people getting so upset vindicated his decision, Penn vigorously agreed.
?Exactly. They move from being gangstgers to being something faintly mythological, something legendary.?
Although he?s in a excellent shape for 85, Penn had recently been hospitalized with pneumonia. So he spent most of our time together sitting placidly on a couch. There was one point, though -- and I wish I had it on video -- where he jolted upright with energy, his body language transformed. We were talking about what it was that most appealed to him about film directing. I don?t know how well his words can communicate the absolute passion and almost-boyish excitement with which he spoke.
?Just something happens in the editing room which is beyond the literal: where the film itself, as it goes together, begins to take on an almost-mystical presence. And makes, consequently, a future demand. Which is: If this is the way I am here, then over here you better damn well speed me up and move me because I can?t give you the luxury of that. It really tells you, back and forth, of an internal rhythm that emerges. That, of course, you will carry it in your gut; but, you know, when you do a three-minute take, a four-minute take, and then wrap and come back tomorrow you don?t have that [same feeling]. But in the editing room [the feeling] really begins to be quite reverential about film. . . . It?s ineffable. There are no words for it. You get really kind of mystical at that stage.?
Dr. Phil showed up on The View this morning to stick his mug once again into the latest Britney Spears fiasco. Ok! Magazine reports:
“I don’t think [Spears’ current hospitalization] surprises anybody. All I’ve ever try to do is help. By that I don’t mean doing therapy, because I don’t do that anymore, but I’ve always felt like let's get her to the right kinds of professionals--ones that could provide psychological and psychiatric support. I don’t know the circumstances of how she wound up in the hospital today, but if it’s moving in that direction, that could be a good thing."
Dr. Phil was also pimping his Britney story on Good Morning America and The Today Show earlier in the week. Dr. Phil likes feeling relevant. Otherwise he turns into the Incredible Hulk and eats children. No, really, I read it on Wikipedia. Or was it the bathroom stall I wrote on last week? I get the two confused.
Mary Lynn Rajskub, who plays computer whiz Chloe O’Brian on Fox’s 24, is pregnant, she says.
Rajskub, 36, and her live-in boyfriend Matthew Rolph, 27, a personal trainer, are expecting their first child at the end of the summer.
“With the strike going on, I had to keep busy!” Rajskub jokes. “We are thrilled and couldn’t be more excited.”
Rajskub recently attended the Sundance Film Festival promoting Sunshine Cleaning, in which she costars opposite Amy Adams and Emily Blunt. On Friday, Rajskub will make an appearance walking in the Red Dress Fashion Show to benefit The Heart Truth in New York.