Polanski is Back and Adapting ‘God of Carnage’ for the Big Screen

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Now that Roman Polanksi knows he won't be extradited to the United States for fleeing after being convicted of having sex with a 13-year-old girl, the filmmaker is already lining up his next big project.

NY Daily News is reporting that the filmmaker has plans to shoot a film version of the Tony-winning drama God of Carnage sometime next year. Naturally, this film will be shot in Europe -- despite his intention to set the story in New York. Yasmina Reza, the French playwright responsible for the story, says she's been collaborating with Polanski since 2009.

The play, which also won a Laurence Olivier Award for Best New Comedy, deals with the aftermath of a playground scuffle. The parents of the two boys involved meet to discuss what happens -- and while things begin cordially, they soon devolve into pettiness and debates on controversial issues such as racism, homophobia, and misogyny according to the play's Wikipedia description.

The play earned positive reviews and sounds like it should make for an interesting film adaptation. I'm interested to see what Polanski will do with the material. This seems like a project perfectly suited for the filmmaker, and with the right casting -- the original version featured Ralph Fiennes while the Broadway play boasted Jeff Daniels, James Gandolfini, Marcia Gay-Harden, and Hope Davis -- could be something really special.

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